A chossid who saw six Chabad Rebbeim, Reb Peretz Chein was a rov in Nevel, Beshenkovitch, and Chernigov. Shortly before his passing, he revealed three things his mother revealed to him from heaven, which led him to know when he would pass away.
For Half an Hour, the Rebbe Hugged Him in Silence
One of the most famous and greatest Chabad chassidim, Reb Aizik Homiler was a chossid of the first three Chabad Rebbeim. At his final encounter with the Tzemach Tzedek, the Rebbe placed his head on Reb Aizik’s shoulder and stood in this position for half an hour, until he sent him off.
The Forest Supervisor Who Became a World-Class Mekubal
At the Rebbe Maharash‘s instruction, R. Leib Hoffman spent twenty-two years as a forest supervisor learning and mastering Kaballah. When he passed away, the Rebbe Rashab confirmed that he left no one with the same knowledge of Kaballah as himself.
He Looked Just Like the Alter Rebbe – Without the Scar
The Alter Rebbe‘s second son, Reb Chaim Avraham, looked very similar to his father. When the Alter Rebbe’s picture was shown to the mashpia Reb Hendel, he thought it was Reb Chaim Avraham, until he noticed the scar on the nose.
He Grabbed a Handfull of Coins and Didn’t Even Look
A great scholar in Chassidus, R. Zalman Velkes of Dubravna was also a wealthy businessman and renowned for his generosity. When someone came for tzedaka, he would take a bulging handful of coins without even looking at how much he took.
He Stayed Alive Not to Hurt Someone’s Feelings
A chossid and a Latvian diplomat, Reb Mordechai Dubin was an outstanding baal chessed who gave all his possessions and time for helping others. When he was on the verge of dying after being released from Soviet prison, he fought to live so that another Yid won’t feel guilty.
The Rebbe’s Shabbos Food Did Him No Harm
The Rov of Kremenchuk and a successful businessman Reb Yitzchak Yoel Refoelovitch was a chossid of the Rebbe Maharash, Rebbe Rashab, and the Frierdiker Rebbe. When the Rebbe Rashab assured him that the Shabbos food would do no harm, he broke his strict diet, but then he tried it at home…
The Rebbe’s Presidential Advice for Making America Great Again
As President Trump takes office after President Biden concluded his term, the Rebbe’s message from 5741 (1981) speaks powerfully to this moment — one of the most significant political transitions in modern history — on transcending partisan politics and strengthening America’s faith in G-d.
Do We Put Our Faith in the ‘Greatest Friend of Israel’?
Today, Donald J. Trump will be sworn in as the 47th President of the United States. Many have heralded him as a supporter of the Jews and the “Greatest Friend of Israel.” However, recent happenings and that day’s Hayom Yom remind us where to put our trust.
He Sent a Blank Paper and the Rebbe Read It
A giant chossid of the Alter Rebbe, Reb Michel Opotzker was an outstanding gaon who was said to have ruach hakodesh. When he sent his student Rashbatz to the Tzemach Tzedek, he gave him a PaN to deliver – but there was nothing written on it.
“Rebbe, I Will Listen! Rebbe, Save Me!”
R. Yekusiel Deitsch of Dokshitz, affectionately known as “Kushe Dokshitzer,” was an Alef Beis melamed who taught the Frierdiker Rebbe. At first, his father-in-law implored the Tzemach Tzedek to allow him to do business, but when a wagonload fell over him, he realized that he wasn’t doing what the Rebbe really wanted.
“I’m on My Way to Lubavitch!”
Reb Yosef, the son of R. Yissochor Ber the rov of Lubavitch, was married to the Tzemach Tzedek’s aunt, and was affectionately known as “Der Feter Yossele” (Uncle Yossele). When chassidim found him sitting in the snow deep in thought, his answer surprised them.
She Pulled His Sleeve Out of a Pail of Water
Reb Yisroel Hofshtein, the Kozhnitzer Maggid, was a talmid of the Mezritcher Maggid and Reb Elimelech of Lizensk, and a great admirer of the Alter Rebbe. When a husband ran away and left his wife an aguna, the Kozhnitzer Maggid reunited them through a series of wondrous miracles.
He Sent His Shamash to Take Stones from the Graves
R. Ziskind Kurnitzer was an outstanding chossid of the Alter Rebbe who was said to have ruach hakodesh. When a plague broke out in his town, he directed his shamash to take two stones from the cemetery and expose the sinners who were causing the plague.
The Modern ‘Educational Philosophy’ Has Caused a Disaster
Following on the discussion of leadership in chinuch, we bring you the Rebbe’s words on the subject. In this Yud Tes Kislev address, the Rebbe decries the new “educational philosophy” that parents should give children choices. The Rebbe blames this for the problems with the youth, and insists that sincere words of truth is the answer.
Why Didn’t You Tell Us the Truth?!
Following the article by Mrs. Gillie Shanowitz on our teen’s thirst for strong values and the truth, we share with you a pertinent letter from the Frierdiker Rebbe to American educators, urging them to rethink their attitude in education and what will happen if they don’t.
What I Learned from Spending a Month with Teens
From the Anash.org Inbox: This past summer I was hired to run a teen camp for girls entering 9th and 10th grade. Here’s something I learned: Our girls haven’t changed and they have a strong desire to know and do what’s right. It is those who are raising and educating them who have changed.
‘You Came to Leningrad to the Rebbe or to the Rebbe in Leningrad?’
Reb Yosef Rozin, the Rogatchover Gaon, was the Rov for the chassidim in Dvinsk and was renowned for his incredible memory and depth in Torah. The Rebbe called his most amazing mind ‘a special gift given in the times before Moshiach.’
They Thought the Elder Chossid Was a Thief
The chossid Reb Nateh, the Rov of Malastirzineh, was a prominent chossid of the Mitteler Rebbe and the Tzemach Tzedek, and was known for his exceptional bittul. When young chassidim in Lubavitch tried throwing out of the Rebbe’s shul, Reb Nateh was not offended – and even defended them.
The Rebbe Sent Me a Message About Shlichus Standards
Shliach Rabbi Gershon Sandler, who heads camp CGI in the Poconos for non-frum girls, brought a campaign brochure to the Ohel, when suddenly one of the pieces of paper flew out over the walls. When he picked it up, he got a shock – and a clear message.